Friday, November 30, 2007

16 Months Old

It has been a tough month. The days are getting both shorter and colder and Jonathan hasn't been able to play outside very much. He has been sick. He's had a fever, congestion and a cough for most of the past week. His new and incoming teeth also seem to be bothering him. All in all, he's been pretty cranky and has had trouble sleeping.

But he is also having a lot of fun. He's very steady on his feet and he trots all around the house. He climbs on chairs and tables. He picks up the telephone, or Daddy's cell phone, or anything that looks like a phone, and holds it up to his ear and says, 'llo, 'llo. He shakes his head side to side and sometimes waves his arms when he wants to say no. He plays with trucks and goes vroom, vroom, vroom. He loves to chase his sisters around. And at night, he gets in his warm pajamas and picks up Goodnight Moon and climbs on Daddy's lap and smiles while we read it. He is a good boy.


Anonymous said...

And beautiful and sweet and very, very funny. There's nothing like watching him spin until he falls over or listen to him "sing" his ABC's and then clap at how very clever he is.
He is a beautiful gift.

robyn L. said...

What a beautiful baby!

nadzent said...

sorry to hear he is feeling so poorly. Poor little guy, and poor mommy too! I hope he is back to his old selfo p1[``1````````````1WZS3}p';`\]/;.ZSQ/:qA2Q THAT'S COUSINS WAYLON AND VLADIMIR LEAVING THEIR FEELINGS BEHIND...)

Hope you're all well for the holidays. He looks gorgeous!